The Bachelor: Episode 13

Episode 13: a very boring episode
Group date:
- We kick off the episode with some 50s inspired ten pin bowling. The HB is rocking the most unfortunate hair style I have ever seen
- Brooke gets the first strike which means she wins some time in the back of the Cadillac with the HB. But it’s like speed dating so when Soph gets a strike she kicks Brooke out of the car and this goes on for a while with the switching
- They then have to write a letter to themselves in 2028. Cass reads her letter and just cries a lot over finding someone to love. Dasha from Russia then takes the cake for crying the most. I mean if she misses her child so much maybe don’t choose to go on the bachelor. Just saying
- Brittany wins some one on one time because she was able to write a good letter
Last single date:
- Sophie and the HB go ice skating and even play some ice hockey. Then they kiss a whole lot and which makes me rethink my whole plan of who will win the show. So much kissing
Cocktail party
- Brittany asks Sophie if she is ok becuase she was getting a weird vibe from her face. Sophie says no becuase she didn’t get a rose. God there is literally nothing going on tonight it’s so boring!
- Dasha then shows pictures of her child and I think she should just be put out of her misery and sent home
Rose ceremony
- Two people are going to be evicted because tomorrow night we have home visits with only 4 girls
- Surely Emily and Dasha are sent home tonight
- Brooke is left until last to get her rose and to be honest I just find that incredibly rude
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